A teal banner reading PROLEGOMENON.


by beckett
Jesse looks up at the monster, eyes wide in terror.

This is it...!

You can't run away on your ankle, and you don't have any weapons... You don't have any idea how to do that shield thing from before, too, but it doesn't seem to be happening!!


March 02, 2022

Hey guys! Nothing actually Prolegomenon related, but I did want to throw this announcement in here too for anyone interested. An older project that I made about... five years ago this October (jeez!) is getting a redux pretty soon, so if you like ghosts, houses, and ghosts in houses, you should keep an eye on this Tumblr blog for any updates relating to that. The original story content is also available on this blog, and it's still pretty fun even without the touch-ups I'm adding to it elsewhere, so check it out. Thanks. -Beckett

February 26, 2022

I've taken the liberty of fixing up a few things on the site, just some regular maintenance - touching up the not found page since the image got broken somehow (yikes!), and adding a few characters to the characters page too. Another gentle reminder that I'm also saving up to move out soon, so if you like what I'm making here and want to show it, even just $3 on my Kofi can make a world of difference for me. Additionally, my commissions are open too, so if you want something more personal, don't hesitate to contact me! I hope you guys enjoy this update and are staying safe. -Beckett

February 23, 2022

Sorry for skipping that previous update. Here's double the pages to make up for it. Take care of yourselves out there! -Beckett

February 16, 2022

Welcome back. Added a few new characters to the villagers page! We're still on standby for going into a pause, by the way. Turns out moving is a little hard. But the break was greatly needed, and I appreciate your patience! Don't forget I have commissions and a Kofi so you can support me monetarily while I save up to move. Additionally, there's still the official PROLEGOMENON Discord server - we don't bite! Take care and I'll see you guys around. -Beckett

December 06, 2021

Here's a special update for a special day. Happy birthday, Diego. -Beckett

November 27, 2021

Again, skipped a couple updates due to the holidays. Hanukkah is coming up, too, as is the one year anniversary of Prolegomenon. Isn't that exciting? Here's an extra large update for you guys. -Beckett

November 17, 2021

Just wanted to throw this here, too, in case anyone has any interest: I've got commissions open now, so if you want me to draw your goofy fun guys, feel free to visit this URL to see all relevant info for that! Additionally, I've got a Kofi that also allows you to see some pretty exclusive content for Prolegomenon. So if you're interested in that, too, consider throwing some cash my way? Thanks! -Beckett