A blue banner reading PROLEGOMENON.


by beckett
A dark gray chat bubble. Inside is a light blue circle, and within that is a silver circular symbol.

P: Hey there!

roy! :D: umm

roy! :D: hi? who is this?

P: Don't worry. I'm one of Dolo's friends. ^_^

P: My name doesn't translate really well, so you can just call me P.

P: I use

roy! :D: ?

roy! :D: use what?

P: Well I guess that kind of thing doesn't matter to you much, huh?

roy! :D: what doesn't?

P: Pronouns. Your culture uses them very differently from mine.

P: A little more primitively, in my opinion, but I can respect it still.

roy! :D: oh

roy! :D: umm

roy! :D: i use he/him

P: I know! That pronoun set doesn't even exist in my language, though.

P: I've been bestowed the same set your sibling does.

roy! :D: ey/em/eir?

P: Yes!

P: Where I'm from, that denotates somebody highly respected in society. Not the uppermost crust, but a position such as professors, military, etc.

P: Positions of authority that the common person is more likely to encounter in everyday life.

roy! :D: wow

roy! :D: this would be a really funny prank for cherry to be pulling

P: I'm really not a prank, I promise.

roy! :D: can you prove it?

P: Hmm.

P: You're standing on your apartment's balcony above a sea of oil.

P: You're looking at your phone with a skeptical expression.

P: Now that I've told you this, you're looking up and around the area to see where my vantage point is that allows me to see you so well.


June 22, 2022

Art Fight, by the way. That's all! -Beckett

June 18, 2022

I know the warning applies to most of the comic already, but an extra emphasis for this week's update on the themes of unreality and gif warning/potential eyestrain. Proceed with caution! -Beckett

June 15, 2022

Welcome back! You may notice some growing pains in the site - odd code, differently formatted pages, the whole shebang. I've decided to try cleaning up the site, hosting the images directly on Neocities instead of just using Discord links for them (which break a lot easier). This does mean I have to pay to be a Neocities supporter, so again, if you enjoy this webcomic and want to see more, consider commissioning me or throwing some cash my way through the Ko-fi. -Beckett

April 13, 2022

After this update, PROLEGOMENON is officially on hiatus again while I figure out moving across the world! If you'd like to support me finanically through this time, my Kofi is available there. Plus, I always have commissions open. Thanks for the support and enjoyment of my funny little comic, and I'll see you guys on the other side! -Beckett

April 02, 2022

And we've finally wrapped up Episode 2. I hope you're all enjoying this comic so far, and I am so sorry it's taken SO long to get to this point. The story is finally underway! -Beckett

March 26, 2022

We're in the home stretch for wrapping up Episode 2, finally. Sorry for missing the last couple of updates. Again, you can get news on if an update is going out or not over on the official Tumblr blog, the Discord server, and my Twitter. Have a good one. -Beckett

March 16, 2022

It's already on the warnings list, but I figured I'd mention it again for this particular chunk of story - going deeper on the subject of being in a video game here. If that's rough for your brain, then probably proceed with caution. Cheers! -Beckett